Thursday, August 6, 2009

a day in the life

I thought you, dear reader, might be a little curious about a day in the life of the Other Woman. Well, not a whole day, but the latter part of the morning and the afternoon last Sunday. On my way to the home where we will one day live together, making art and eating chocolate and raising babies and goats and entertaining the occasional gentleman caller, I encountered torrential rains and flash floods. But nothing can keep me from my girls... Sadly, Aubrie and I were literally two ships passing in the storm, but one day soon we'll all be together.

And now, a brief accounting of the events that transpired, the topics of discussion, and the horrors stumbled up on youtube (in list form, of course):
  • blueberry pancakes
  • "milking" as a possible income-earning opportunity
  • shaved heads
  • our band-to-be
  • breastfeeding third graders
  • jacko
  • hyper-realistic baby dolls
  • real dolls that look like us and whether or not we'd have sex with them
  • a real doll that is a composite of all of us (our "baby")
  • munchkin suicide
  • talking toys with secret messages
  • nakie swimmie
  • the G train
  • Twitler, a variation on Twitter used to track Gerard-Butler related thoughts and acts of stalking
  • former [fingers-crossed!] stalkers
  • French men

And, on a barely related note, my mom just sent me an e-mail containing the following [unattributed] quote:

'Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll create a life. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.'

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