Thursday, July 9, 2009

Take a chance...

As I'm sure most artists do, I get an idea that's "IT"! "THE IDEA!" "I AM GOING TO MAKE THIS NOW!" and then change my mind 500 times and have 499 other varieties of the "IT" idea to further confuse myself with ("Now which one was better....idea 387 or idea 493????")
I've been feeling a bit that way over an upcoming show...I had the idea set, changed my mind a million times and then was left hemming and hawing between 2 "final" ideas. Funny thing is that you can mention these ideas to someone and they're like "Well what about (insert another good idea here)"...normally this sends me into a tizzy of reworking and re-evaluating but last night it was what clicked everything in place. Thank you Ms. Aubrie for unlocking the craziness that is my brain and helping me lock down on what is to come... "What did I do?" you might be asking yourself but sometimes its just as simple as that...I mean how many times has someone said the tiniest of things that made you want to race home to make art...? (It's not often or ever that I've actually done the racing home part...usually I just try not to forget what they said until I can write it down somewhere...) Anyway, specifically I was wrestling with two ideas: one involving animals and the use of boardwalk chance games and the other which will remain a secret until I get around to making thing at a time, for fear I will whip myself into another art idea frenzy at the mere mention of another idea (I am so dramatic today...)....So anyway, I've been trying to decide how the animals make sense in this situation blah blah blah and Aubrie says "well, what happens next to the baby rabbits in the last piece you did?" BINGO! Insert baby rabbits into boardwalk style chance games....Huh? You might be saying but here's how it goes: As you and any reader of the Philadelphia Weekly and City Paper know, I am currently knocked up. Bun in the oven. The stork has my address....however you wanna say it, there's a baby on the way. This is by far the biggest risk, leap, chance I've EVER taken in my life, so I figure Hey! Let's put little baby bunnies into these boardwalk games in a way that it looks like it could go horribly wrong. What the hell am I talking about? Picture a baby bun hanging among balloons that people are about the aim darts at... Another atop a Milk Bottle pyramid that is about to be toppled over with a bunnies in dunk tanks and so on. I figure I will be scared about the baby getting hurt everyday once its here so maybe I can get some of the worry out of my system by making this work....maybe...we'll see....
More on this later...
xo D

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say - I am dying to see this work!!! Brilliant idea, let no other ideas cloud your mind... this one's a winner!
