Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh man...

As per the request of Ms. Aub, I've been trying to think of what kind of man I'd be...and I've been having a terrible time with it! Every time I try to think of it I get overwhelmed by all the choices and options and which qualities are ones I wish I'd have vs. ones I actually would have...sooooo confusing! I tried looking online for a basic list of types of men but have yet to find what I'm looking for.....most lists were "10 guys to avoid" (!), "3 guys who will cheat" (!?!!), "5 types of men all women hate" (?!??!) and even "10 most common penis types" (!?!?!?!?!?!?). None of those were very helpful, though the penis types were pretty funny...
So then I'm thinking, who do I admire or look up to...I love Eminem's music and really feel like he is my art hero (as in I wish to make art as ballsy as he makes his music) but he seems like kind of an asshole and I think I'd be nicer than that...
I love my dad and look up to him, and while I think I could be very similar to him as a guy, there are a few glaring differences that would prevent me from picking him...
Same with my brother and even my of them I see in myself, but some things are just way to different to label myself as such....
Hell, I even just tried looking for a facebook quiz to see if that would help, but no such luck!
Maybe if I start making a list of guys I wouldn't be:
Sports Guy
Loner Dude
Computer Nerd
Cool Computer Designer-y guy
Star Trek Obsessed
Wrestling Obsessed
Super Duper Hippie
Punk Rock

Guys I might be:
Guy who Builds stuff
Rockabilly-ish (but not over the top)
Guy who likes to figure out how to fix stuff
Nature dude

Ok, I need to meditate on this some. To be continued...

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