Thursday, July 2, 2009

And here we go...

The Other Woman Collective has decided to dive headfirst into a new project...a blog. So to start it off real proper-like, I thought I might introduce us...

To keep it consistent, we'll each post 1 day per week, Monday through Thursday (this means you'll just have to be sad Fridays through Sundays without us, but on the bright side it will make Mondays that much better....)

First up, on Mondays, the fabulous Ms. Aubrie Costello -

Holla Atcha Girl, wall installation with summer clothes and two paintings, 2009

Aubrie has a way of making the most (pardon my french) fucked up things look beautiful. Her drawings and installations all manage to be raw yet refined, which would seem to be a contradiction but that girl has the eye and the balls to make it all work. How she doin'?

Tuesdays bring us the lovely Ms. Laura Graham -

To the Sea, tintype, 2008

Laura Graham could take a photograph of the most boring thing you could imagine and somehow would manage to turn it into the most interesting and mysterious thing you've ever seen. Thing is, she never takes photos of anything boring so her work is even better than you just imagined it to be. Her carefully set scenarios, the secrets of her photographic processes and the sharpness of her eye all add up to a knockout combination...either that or its some kind of secret magic she knows and just isn't telling anyone about. Either way, I'll take it.

On Wednesdays, we'll hear from the saucy Ms. Laura McKinley -

Shilly - Shally, oil on canvas, 2009

Laura McKinley's paintings, to me, are each a carefully preserved moment in life, as if she just took that moment and put it in her pocket to show you later (except that she really made it into a big painting that wouldn't really fit in her pocket, but you know what I mean). And despite these moments being snips from her life, I feel like they speak more widely than each piece is a bit of a story that you can imagine yourself in it. I am always so excited to know what's happening next in this story...! And formally speaking, this girl can work color or a pattern like its her job!

And on Thursdays, it will be lil' ol' me, Ms. Darla Jackson -

Vessel, gypsum cement, wood, ribbon, 2009

Me? I make strange sculptures of animals, which are based on human emotions, where the animals are kind of stand-ins for figures. I realized a while ago that this is what seemed to get more people to relate to the work, oddly enough. Maybe people feel more empathy toward animals? Maybe they subconsciously relate to the symbolism? Maybe it's easier to see what the piece is about when you're not worrying who it's about? I have no idea...but for some reason it works out.

So that's us...according to me anyway. Hope you enjoy all that is to come...I'm excited to see what craziness ensues...

'Til Monday...xoxo Darla

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